Currently importing Tequila, Mezcal, and Sotol from the Mexican states of Durango, Oaxaca, Chihuahua, and Guanajuato.

The company was started in 2014 as entrepreneurial business in San Diego, California. Originally, the focus was craft beer, but then I discovered mezcal.

Jump forward a couple of years to my move to Mazatlan, Sinaloa. The roots for my current business are planted here.

I started distributing craft beer from Guadalajara and soon met the fellas from Sacro Imperio Mezcal, February, 2017. The business grew from that meeting under a palapa on the beach of Mazatlan.

Our Services

Label Approvals

O U R   C L I E N T S

Satisfied costumers

We work very closely with all our customers. Jorge Tirado is the main contact for all producers.

B L O G   &   N E W S

lizárraga company

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